Electric Compass and Satellite Compass Double Compass Backup System


 When SC-05 satellite compass and DSC-10T / B synchronous / stepping driving box are added to the original gyrocompass on board, a dual gyrocompass backup system compatible with both analog and digital signals can be completely formed. The signals of the gyrocompass and the satellite compass are respectively connected to the DSC-10T / B synchronous / stepping driving box. The gyrocompass can be set as the main gyrocompass and the satellite gyrocompass as the backup gyrocompass to form a dual gyrocompass backup system Unification.

Advantages of this system :

1.Improve the service life of gyrocompass and save high maintenance cost 

2.The maintenance cost of satellite compass is very low, which reduces the maintenance cost of compass system. 

3.Improve the stability and reliability of compass system. If any compass fails, the other compass can continue to navigate;

The following figure shows the company's complete electric compass and satellite compass double compass backup system scheme: